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Prazosin 1mg cheap Head injuries. Surgical operations on the ear. Prolonged lying down (due to other diseases, recovery after surgery, etc.). Inflammatory ear processes. Spasm of the labyrinthine artery (with migraine). Meniere's disease. Alcohol intoxication. Consequences of improper treatment.
The classification of positional vertigo is based on the mechanism of minipress pills. Lime crystals (otoliths) can move freely in the fluid of the semicircular canal, irritating the receptors during head turns. This is canalolithiasis. When otoliths are localized on the canal wall (cupula) and constantly interact with receptors - cupulolithiasis. When making a diagnosis, both the side of the lesion (left-sided, right-sided) and the semicircular canal (external, posterior, anterior) in which pathological changes occurred are taken into account. The following signs characterize paroxysmal positional vertigo are distinguished.
The above features of BPPV will help to recognize it among other diseases, the symptom of which is dizziness.
The appearance of benign paroxysmal dizziness is associated with head movements. Usually the disease affects only part of the head, since one hemisphere of the brain (or ear) is left unaffected. The clinical features of BPPV are as follows. The disease is highly treatable and does not pose a serious threat to buy prazosin online. But if a person has been diagnosed with benign positional vertigo, he should avoid diving and climbing to heights. After proper treatment, the disease may subside for a long time, but after 4-5 years the attacks usually return.
Scientists of modern medicine criticize the above theories. They say that statoconium particles can come off even when the human body is stationary. They name the following reasons for their rejection, which results in benign dizziness.
In case of constantly recurring attacks, you should contact the clinic for consultation with a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations to make an accurate diagnosis. The most common method that helps identify positional vertigo is the Dix-Hallpike test. The methodology for carrying it out is as follows. The patient will need to be informed of the onset of dizziness. It may not bother you right away, but after some time.
During positional vertigo, the eyeballs rotate involuntarily. This phenomenon is called nystagmus. The doctor determines in which part of the semicircular canal the pathology is present by the nature of the nystagmus and the time of its appearance.
For better visual observation of nystagmus, there is the practice of using Blessing or Frenzel glasses, electrooculography and videooculography. Along with the above diagnostic methods, the patient may be referred for an MRI or computed tomography of the brain, or an X-ray of the cervical spine. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. Some patients diagnosed with positional vertigo do not require treatment as it resolves on its own.
If performing exercises is accompanied by the appearance of benign positional vertigo, then you should wait until the attack passes and continue further.
This therapy gives a very good effect. It involves the patient performing positional maneuvers (changing the position of the body and head). When performing exercises, an attack of minipress paroxysmal positional vertigo is possible. It is also worth remembering that some sets of prazosin pills should be performed under the strict supervision of a specialist. The patient performs all maneuvers while sitting on an ottoman with his legs down. These exercises can be performed independently, the number of repetitions is five times in each direction.
This set of exercises should be done under the guidance of a doctor, as nausea and other severe reactions may occur during the process.
To perform the exercises, a person needs to take a certain position. The next step is for the doctor to fix the patient�s head with his own hands; it should be turned to the side by 45 degrees. Next, the patient falls onto his side and remains in this position for a couple of minutes. Then he sits down again and immediately lies down in the same way on the other side for two minutes, after which he needs to sit down. All this time the head remains in the same position.
This set of exercises causes conflicting attitudes among doctors.
Some recommend more gentle exercises, while others, on the contrary, consider this complex to be the most effective, even if benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is severe. This maneuver also requires the presence of a medic. The doctor, holding the patient's head, abruptly places him on his back (his head goes over the edge of the couch). The patient lies like this for about a minute, and then he needs to turn his head in the other direction, gradually turning his torso. So you need to lie down for 30-60 minutes, and thenreturn to the starting position.